Matt Benson
Read the full Matt Benson profile here! Discover all about his character, from his age and temperament to his likes and dislikes.

AKA: Matt
Age: 45
Eyes: Dark Green
Hair: Black, short
Skin: Dark tan
Temperament: Empathetic, cares about his kids, gruff but kind, firm, can seem cold and distant with first meeting
Likes: Feeling wanted or needed, playing electric guitar, his wife, Olivia; his kids, Nathan and Jayden
Dislikes: Being forced to do things against his will, Leon, cruelty, the smell and taste of fish (sardines in particular)
Skills: Self-defense training, very skilled at climbing things like rock, mountains and walls; basic medical training
Occupation: Security guard for Killer Kaine
Books: Captives of the Killer, Clash of the Powers